Before seeking financing, there are several questions you should ask yourself. The answer to these questions will determine where you will be seeking financing. From a traditional lender like a bank/credit union or an alternative financing lender?
Ask yourself;
How much do I need?
How fast do I need it?
What are my credit scores? (Personal & Business)
How long has my company been in business? Banks like 2+years in business.
How much revenue does my business generate?
How quickly can I pay it back?
Will I need to pledge collateral? Do I have collateral to pledge?
What is my industry? Is my industry considered high risk?
Am I really ready to apply? (tax returns, YTD revenue, P&L, etc.)
If you need help finding the right lender, please contact me. Don't apply to the wrong lender.
FREE Funding Consultations. Connect with Integrity Business Funding Consultants today and experience our commitment to providing business credit expertise & funding options. There are funding options you may not even know exist! Ask us about our time tested and proven Business Credit Mentoring/Consulting Program. Turn your business entity into a financial asset. Credit Lines attached to your EIN#, not your social security number. Please provide us with a good date and time to speak convenient for you.