Health Share vs Health Insurance

Health Share vs Health Insurance

It’s much like a Credit Union vs a Bank.

Just as with a bank, at a credit union as a member you can open a savings and checking account or take out car loans. The only difference is that the credit union usually pays more interest on savings and checking accounts and charges less on the loans they give.

Similarly, with health sharing, as a member you're not only getting the same medical services as health insurance, but often better service options and rates. Everything from doctor visits and surgeries to emergency care and pharmacy needs. Yet, while delivering these comparable or superior benefits, health sharing distinguishes itself by offering lower deductibles and lower monthly costs.

Essentially, it's all the medical services you expect, but delivered in a more community focused and cost-efficient manner. The average client we see is saving $8,000 or more for their family insurance needs while obtaining better coverage. Have you ever looked into Health Share services?

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