Do you have clients with decent credit and would like to obtain funding? Before having them apply, they should take a few steps to boost their credit score. Here are 5 tips you can provide them that will help increase their score quickly.
Pay down your credit card balances. This is the fastest way to raise your score. As soon as you reduce your balance-to-limit ratio, your score instantly increases. If your balance is over 30% of the allowed limit, your score gets docked. If your balance is over 50% of the allowed limit, your score gets docked even more. If your balance is near the limit or maxed out, then you get penalized with a major decrease to your score. The optimal percentage to gain the most points is a balance-to-limit ratio of less than 10%. The professionals recommend keeping balances at 30% or less. The balance-to-limit applies to each individual card, and it also applies to the sum of all cards.
If you do not have the cash to pay down your balances, call the credit card company and ask them to raise your credit limit. This accomplishes the same thing by lowering your ratio. If you have been using the card and paying on time, they will usually agree, hoping you will spend more and owe them more in interest payments. You can do this every 6-months (and you should).
If you cannot pay down your balance or get a credit line increase, you might be able to distribute some of the balances to other existing cards. Be sure and stay under 50% of each card limit and better yet, 30% if possible.
Report your Cell Phone, Rent, and Utility payments to the credit bureaus via Level Credit.
Cost is a onetime fee of $49.95 plus $6.95 per month. They will report to all three personal bureaus. Add up to 2 years of past payments. Build your credit fast! Experian Boost is another option.
Become an authorized user on a family members credit card.
The main benefit of becoming an authorized user on a credit card is the fact that you can lean on another person’s good credit to build your own. Provided the card issuer reports credit balances and payments to the credit bureaus. Make sure they do! There are several other reasons to become an authorized user on a credit card, although improving your credit score is the most common. Becoming an authorized user typically helps you build credit by piggy-backing off the primary account holder’s responsible use, and you can get this benefit without applying for a credit card of your own.
FREE Funding Consultations. Connect with Integrity Business Funding Consultants today and experience our commitment to providing business credit expertise & funding options. There are funding options you may not even know exist! Ask us about our time tested and proven Business Credit Mentoring/Consulting Program. Turn your business entity into a financial asset. Credit Lines attached to your EIN#, not your social security number. Please provide us with a good date and time to speak convenient for you.