I believe networking is still one of the best ways to grow your small business. But it does require an investment of your time.
Join online communities and forums related to your industry or niche. Attend events and conferences when you can where you can meet people who share your interests and goals.
Networking helps you build strong relationships with potential customers, partners, suppliers, mentors, and investors. Networking will also allow you to learn from others who have more experience and expertise than you in your field. You can network both online and offline although I feel face to face networking is the best. People like to know who they are dealing with.
Whatever type of networking you choose be sure to follow up with the people you meet and keep in touch with them regularly. Ask your network for referrals and introductions and be sure you share and refer your clients and contacts to others in your network.
Networking is a two-way street. With so many of us working from home offices, it can also be a great source of fun to get out and meet others.
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